Home VS code shortcuts

VS code shortcuts

VS Code

  1. Command Palette - Ctrl + Shift + P
  2. Duplicate Line Down/Up - Shift + Alt + Up / Shift + Alt + Down
  3. Move Line Down/Up - Alt + Up / Alt + Down
  4. Indent / Outdent Line - Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [
  5. Multi-Select Selection - Ctrl + D
  6. Multi-Select Cursor - Alt + Click
  7. Toggle Line Comment - Ctrl + /
  8. Show / Hide Terminal - Ctrl + `
  9. Add Line Comment - Ctrl + K Ctrl + C
  10. Toggle Sidebar - Ctrl + B
  11. User setting - Ctrl + ,
  12. Toggle files - Ctrl + Tab
  13. Split tab - Ctrl + \
  14. Close file - Ctrl + W
  15. Find and Replace - Ctrl + H
  16. Navigating between words - Ctrl + HOME / Ctrl + END
  17. Selecting entire word where cursor - Ctrl + D
  18. Select the word and multiple cursor - Ctrl + Shift + L
  19. Renaming word in multiple places - F2 (alternation option to above)
  20. Function definition - Ctrl + click (function name)

Zen mode : Ctrl K Z

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